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Delivery is handled by our delivery partner, Ninja Van. Delivery will take 1 to 5 working days from the date the order is placed, depending on our roastery operations.

Dr Coffee Mini S Bar


Dr Coffee


All prices mentioned are exclusive of GST.

The Dr Coffee Minibar is a fully automatic espresso coffee machine that is highly efficient and has the capacity to produce a large variety of drinks of high quality.

Minibar is a commercial model for specialised needs. Adding to the commercial series’ high efficiency, endurability and lasting productivity, Minibar caters to personal preferences with various flavours, steam heating and milk frothing.

Product Details



“6/4 vision” describes a person who sees clearly further than what a person with average vision can in eye tests. 

We named ourselves “Six Four Coffee” to remind ourselves to keep our vision clear, and maintain a forward-thinking approach.


Today, Singapore. Tomorrow, Asia, and beyond.

Six Four Logo (White) | Six Four Coffee


Contact Us

5 Senoko Road
#08-01 (Showroom), #08-03 (Factory)
Tee Yih Jia Food Hub 
Singapore 758137

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